Christmas Dinner GF DF MOD

Serves 4

3 courses:

Entrée: Scallops and leek with pea puree
Main: Lamb back-strap, pear puree
Roasted cabbage
Asparagus, green beans & cashews
Caramelized sweet potato and shallot
Dessert: Coffee and vanilla soy ice-cream, with honeycomb crumble

Prepare the pear puree the day before and reserve the cooking liquid


2 soft pears, peeled, cored and chopped ¼ tsp citric acid
1 Tbsp castor sugar 1/3 cup water

• Place all ingredient in a saucepan over a low heat and cover with a lid
• Bring to the boil, then simmer for about 5 minutes with the lid on
• One soft remove from the stove to cool
• Place the pear into a small bowl and reserve the liquid for cooking other things in the
• Puree the pear with a barmix or appropriate machine
• Cover and keep air tight in the fridge until serving time.

Entrée: Scallops and leek with pea puree

Ingredients: for 3 scallops per person
12 fresh scallops 20ml reserved pear liquid
1 leek (white section, leaves not required) salt
2/3 cup frozen peas (plus extra peas for decoration) Canola/rice oil for cooking

• Wash the leek and cut 12x ½ cm thick circles of leek
• Wash the scallops
• Cook the peas, cool and transfer them with the reserved pear liquid to a bowl to puree
• Add oil to a saucepan on the stove and add the leek and the scallops; lightly salt
• Cook each for 3 minutes per side (keep the round leek shape)
To serve:
• Add a dollop of pea puree on each of the 4 serving plates
• Place 3 leek rounds on a plate and top each leek with a scallop
• Sprinkle a few whole peas over each plate for decoration
Main: Lamb back-strap and vegetables
3 pieces of lamb back-strap ½ cup reserved pear liquid (add water if
¼ of a large green/white cabbage Asparagus 1 bunch
1 large sweet potato 300g green beans
1 shallot stalk ¼ cup roasted salted cashews, chopped
40g Nuttalex Canola/rice bran oil for cooking
1/3 cup brown sugar Oven bake paper, salt


Heat the oven to 1800C
Cut the cabbage into thick strips/chunks
Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread with a little oil
Place the cabbage on the tray, and brush on some oil and sprinkle with salt
Place in the oven and roast until browned (45 minutes-1 hour)


Top and tail the green beans and cut about 1cm off the bottom of the asparagus
Place in a dish with a little water to microwave for 4 minutes just before serving time.
Transfer to a serving dish when cooked and sprinkle over the chopped cashews

Sweet potato

Peel the sweet potato and cut into chunks
Thinly slice into rounds, the stalk of shallot
Steam the sweet potato for about 5 minutes, or until the edge is soft, but a knife still cannot
penetrate the centre of the cut potato
In a saucepan melt the butter, then add the brown sugar and reserved pear liquid
Add the sweet potato back to the saucepan, cover and cook until soft.
Transfer to a serving dish. Sprinkle with shallot and pour over the left-over syrup


Bring the meat to room temperature about 15 minutes before cooking
Rub a little oil into the meat
BBQ, grill or cook the lamb back-strap in a frying pan
Cook about 4 minutes per side for medium meat
Take from the cooking plate and rest for 5 minutes before slicing
Serve with the pear puree sauce

Dessert: Coffee and vanilla soy ice-cream, with honeycomb crumble

Start this about 2 days before you need to serve it
750ml (3 cups) soy milk 1 litre So Good Vanilla Bliss ice-cream
1Tbsp decaf coffee granules (Moccona) Pre-made honeycomb
1 Tbsp boiling water 1Tbsp decaf coffee granules (Moccona)
6 egg yolks ½ cup boiling water
150g (23/ cup) caster sugar


• Dissolve 1 Tbsp of boiling water & 1 Tbsp decaf coffee granules in a mug
• Add this to the soy milk in a saucepan on the stove and heat until it shows signs of just
starting to boil and then remove from the stove
• Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until pale and thick (several minutes)
• Pour hot soy milk over the eggs, with the beaters moving slowly to the milk does not
splash up
• When fully combined, return the mixture to the saucepan and place it back on the stove
to cook for another 4 minutes, until thickened (be careful it may rise out of the pan)
• Take from the stove and cool
If you have an ice-cream maker you can pour this into the machine at this stage and follow
the machine instructions.
If you do not have an ice-cream maker…
• Pour the mixture in a shallow tray and place it in the freezer until the edges are frozen
• Remove from the freezer and pour it back to the electric mixer and beat it for 1 minute.
• Pour this back into the shallow tray and put it back in the freezer.
• Repeat this step 2 more times (the freezing period each time is shorter)
• Now pour the mixture into a loaf shaped tin lined with plastic wrap (so it can turn out).
• Don’t fill it higher than half was up the sides of the tin.
• Pour any left-over mixture into a separate bowl to freeze

Once it’s frozen

• Take the Vanilla Bliss ice-cream from the freezer & allow it to defrost for about ½ hour.
• Pour it into a bowl and whisk it until it forms a uniform soft mixture.
• Pour this on top of the frozen coffee ice-cream layer.
• Any excess can go back to the soy container to re-freeze.
• Place it back in the freezer to freeze

To serve:

• Prepare ahead of time the coffee shot to pour over the ice-cream as this must be cold by
serving time.
• Dissolve 1 Tbsp decaf coffee granules in ½ cup hot water and leave in the fridge to cool
o (or prepare a decaf coffee shot if you have the appropriate machine)
• Crush, or chop some pre-made honeycomb and keep in an airtight baggie until serving
• Run a hot cloth over the bottom and sides of the loaf tin.
• Pull up the plastic to bring the mould out of the tin
• Place it on a plate, take off the plastic and return to the freezer until ready to serve.
• Slice the mould into pieces and place one on each plate.
• Pour over a little coffee shot
• Sprinkle with honeycomb
• Serve

Disclaimer: Please note that the food chemical elimination diet is a testing tool to find which food chemical substances your body is sensitive to. It is not intended to be a life-long diet. This procedure should be done with the supervision of your dietitian. Once the elimination investigations are complete you need to add foods back to the diet, from the food chemical groups you have been avoiding, to find your tolerance levels to the substances to which you are sensitive.

The following recipes fall into 4 main categories and will help you through this diet investigation and or the initial re-introduction of moderate chemicals.

Free from gluten/wheat and dairy foods

containing gluten/wheat and or dairy foods

free from gluten/wheat or dairy food

containing gluten/wheat and or dairy foods

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