
Communicating information

A new diagnosis starts us all along the path of gathering as much information as we can about the condition, its long-term effects and what changes we need to make to learn how to live with this.

As knowledge about medical conditions continues to grow, the information will subtly change. It starts with the research outcomes being written in journals, then read by relevant medical professionals, which are then incorporated into new lectures and textbooks, and then imparted in a number of ways, to the people requiring the information.

I have been fortunate to be involved in communicating this information in a number of these steps.

I have contributed to research in journal writing, written chapters for textbooks, written webinars to teach dietitians, written information handbooks for patient use and supportive information in cook books and other useful books.

I have also created a reasonable stash of food chemical elimination recipes available on this site. I have been asked whether they are available in one book. Currently they are not, but it is a future project.

Booklets and book chapters

Foreword or introductions written in other Publications