Coeliac Disease in Sydney

Dr. Kim Faulkner-Hogg is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian and member of Dietitians Australia (DA). Kim completed her PhD in coeliac disease and the gluten free diet in 2004.
GlutenFreeNutrition is a Private Practice run by Kim in Malabar, Sydney, focussing on diets for coeliac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, non-coeliac gluten sensitivities and food intolerances.
Kim is passionate about discussing the minutia of gluten in this current climate of ‘all or none’ in the diet.
She paints a picture of how much is really in food and what it may or may not do to the average disease state being discussed at consult.
For over 25 years Kim has worked with specialised doctors and food intolerance trained dietitians, at The Allergy Unit, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, gaining extensive experience with
- Coeliac disease and the gluten free diet
- Dietary investigations for food triggers in adults with food intolerances, non-coeliac gluten intolerances, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, hives, headaches and more.

Kim lectures on coeliac disease to the Nutrition and Dietetic students at the Universities of Sydney and Wollongong. She has been an invited speaker at events for the public, doctors, nurses, dietitians and food industry groups on coeliac disease and food intolerances.
Kim has published her research in Scientific journals, written articles for General Practice doctor journals and The Australian Coeliac magazine. Kim has authored or co-authored several booklets for use with patients and written Forwards or Introductions to books or recipe books on coeliac disease which are available to the public.
Over the years Kim has had a variety of professional volunteer roles…some which include… Consultant Dietitian to The Coeliac Society (now Coeliac Australia), helping develop the low gluten and gluten free food standards for Australia and New Zealand, and past New South Wales and then National Convenor for the Food Allergy and Food Intolerance Interest Group for Dietitians Australia, (now called the Adverse Food Reactions Interest Group).
2004 PhD in Coeliac Disease and the Gluten Free Diet, University of Sydney
1988 Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics, QLD Institute of Technology
1986 Bachelor of Science, University of Queensland
2017 Awarded Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian by the Dietitians Association of Australia
2016 Award of Merit, National Level, Dietitian Association of Australia
1988 Large Scale Catering Prize, QLD Institute of Technology
1987– present Member of the Dietitians Association of Australia
1994-present Member Coeliac Australia
Past Consultant Dietitian for The Coeliac Society